Y-type folding drying rack

Champion plus

Durable drying rack that never loses

Champion plus


General : drying rack + clothespin(YP) 1 set

Option : drying rack + clothespin(PP) 2 sets + clothespin(YP) 1 set

▶ Integral unit type both drying rack and support fixture 

▶ When drying rack unfold upward, support fixture is automatically supported on drying rack 

▶ Production for the bar in drying rack not to falling out 

 Minimize collapse due to increasing of drying rack weight itself 

 Drying of larger laundry is available by using of clothespin (pp & YP) 

▶ When hanging out the laundry clip push upward and 

▶ Clip the laundry upward, pull out laundry below


Material: Stainless steel bar, Polycarbonate

Size: 1,630 x 575 x 1450mm (Both wings spread - maximum height)

Working load: 40kg / Each left and right 20kg

Feature: In case of lifting up of drying rack wing, both support bars are supported automatically

+ When used as an option, two drying racks can be hung. 

 + The stand is not lowered randomly, so it can be used safely without falling laundry or falling down the drying rack.

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